Simple, Stress-free Formations
At Start Up A-Z, we believe that company formation should be as simple and stress-free as possible - and that includes keeping costs low. As low as they can go in fact - our company formation services are 100% free!
We pay the statutory incorporation fee of £50 on your behalf and we do this for all our company formation customers.
You might be wondering why we do this, and the answer is simple
We want to work with start-ups and see the fee as a barrier to you forming a company, and our relationship should start on a positive footing; helping remove obstacles from your journey means that we can work together in the future.
We have been in your shoes, and know starting a company is a difficult enough process without all the sneaky fees and confusing packages.
So, don't waste your time and money on other company formation agents. At Start Up A-Z, we've got you covered for all your company formation needs, and we’re so confident in the product we offer and what we do, we’re prepared to give it to you completely free!
Let us help you turn your business dreams into a reality, without breaking the bank. Contact us today and let's get started!
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Tel: 0330 320 1929
Bartle House, Oxford Court, Manchester M23WQ
CRN: 12478555